Real Emotions & Real Stories from my clients.

Real Emotions & Real Stories From My Clients.

These testimonials feature feedback from my clients who have benefited from SHEN therapy. As therapy often deals with sensitive and personal issues, I want to emphasize that the feedback shared is confidential and that I prioritize the privacy and trust of my clients above all else. My aim is to create a safe space where clients can share their experiences and journeys towards healing and growth without fear of judgment or breach of confidentiality.

Client ~ CH

“I did a SHEN Intensive with Lauren, having 10 sessions. I have a lung condition, and after my SHEN series my breathing is much better. I feel much more relaxed now and the feeling that something awful is going to happen is much better.

I found Lauren easy to talk to, she is very good when doing SHEN, there was definitely heat being passed between us. I felt I released painful emotions and gained new insight about my current situation. I definitely feel a lessening of physical pain.

I haven’t felt rage or fear since my intensive and I feel more joy, love and excitement than before. I would recommend SHEN to others.”

Client ~ FR

“I had 15 sessions of SHEN over a 3-month period. Initially I wanted to try SHEN to help with emotional strength and relaxation.

After my SHEN series I feel stronger and more able to do deal with the stresses of life in a calm and thoughtful way. The sessions allowed me to experience deep relaxation focusing on body, not mind. It has opened up true possibilities to me.

My general well-being has improved, I’m not triggered so easily by stressful situations and my lower back pain has completely disappeared! Not even a twinge! I had been visiting an osteopath at least a month for a long while.

I found Lauren to be client, trustworthy and she made me feel comfortable with challenging emotions.”

Client ~ SK

“I had the pleasure of working with Lauren to address my extreme anxiety and panic attacks.

After just a few sessions, I noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms, and I felt more calm, centered, and grounded than I had in a long time.

Throughout the entire process, Lauren was incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and client, and made me feel completely at ease.

I am so grateful to have found Lauren, and I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for effective and holistic support for their mental and emotional well-being.”

Client ~ GOB

“I did a series of 10 sessions with Lauren, particularly because I wanted help with IBS.  

Lauren’s work resulted in a lot of noise coming from my body and afterwards I experienced a great difference in how I felt, I also noticed a big change in the colour of my skin, it became rosier.  

I feel less anxious and generally feel my overall well-being has improved.  I would recommend SHEN to anyone.”

Client~ AK

“Shen was one of the most relaxing therapies I have ever had. I didn’t have to talk about any past memories which was a first for me.

This really enabled my mind and body to relax as I lay there while the treatment was being administered. At times I could feel little movements/ quivers within my body which is your body releasing blockages which was very gentle. Lauren was an amazing therapist. I felt very comfortable and safe with her.

My husband noticed a huge difference in me. He said that it had calmed me and changed how I reacted to things. I want people to know that it’s great treatment. If you have tried talking therapies and still felt that you had not got rid of the internal emotions I would definitely give Shen a try.”

Client ~ LT

“I completed 15 sessions with Lauren over a 2-month period, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I am now living life to the full.

A number of things took place in the sessions. I remembered things I’d forgotten about. I gained valuable insight into childhood events and released quite a few painful emotions. I am feeling more confident and excited about life.

I found Lauren to be very peaceful when she worked and the SHEN experience itself to be peaceful. I would definitely recommend SHEN to anyone.”

Client ~ FH

“I was treated by Lauren using Shen initially for general stress and anxiety, IBS, gut issues and reoccurring lower back pain. Over a period of 10-15 sessions the Shen therapy helped significantly in all these areas, but it also became so much more.

This therapy is so different from any other – the relaxing techniques used allow you to go deep inside your body, feel and connect with previous unresolved pain you have experienced in your life, that may be showing up as pain or health issues in your body now.

This is not an ‘easy’ therapy, it can take you to painful places and a ‘release’ can be physically uncomfortable, yet freeing. For me Shen uncovered my pain and showed me a different perspective that was kind and loving.

I would highly recommend this treatment with Lauren, she is so calm, client and supportive. She is a kind and sensitive guide to take you on this journey, the positive benefits and results of Shen therapy are long- lasting.”

Client ~ PJL

“I have had many SHEN sessions with Lauren. It’s certainly been a journey and I’d say I’ve learnt a lot about myself and the connection between my body and my emotions. SHEN therapy is, without a doubt in my mind, an effective therapy both for deep relaxation and for tackling buried emotions that may be causing problems in ones life.

I would say that this is the only therapy I have found that really works to effect a profound change, where as other therapies may leave one feeling better in the short term but have no long term gains. Lauren herself is a supportive and understanding therapist who has been through a lot of healing work herself and comes across as very non-judgmental and caring.

The sessions themselves I have always found enjoyable and relaxing, even though I must say that because the therapy is effective, it may take a little time to process the work after the session. Lauren has always been on hand for me to answer any questions and guide me through any deep or difficult releases.

I’m looking forward to a few more sessions with her soon!”